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9:28 PM
I'll give my own account to God.

Just sent another person off ..
When will the next one be..

9:21 PM
I'll give my own account to God.

ay,this cannot be heard

Senses and hences and hences and actions
That is the logic of the world
No logic no doubting no doubting no critics
This is the logic of here

Maybe just maybe it might be it will be
That freedom of love might be near
Take my hand take your hand take your hand take my hand
Roughness of life and tenderness of nature

We had the times we enjoy and enjoy the times we had
Just the two of us in our happy world
All the ups and going downs and remaining downs and shooting ups
Gazing at the stars after all the herds go to beds

Maybe ten more years will do the Queen will make us true
Even not so fret not too I will still love you

9:01 PM
I'll give my own account to God.





9:11 PM
I'll give my own account to God.

Was having dinner with faustina and Ben just now at 85 and I really felt touched by the holy spirits while talking.It's like something that we have prayed for 3 years ago!It just made me realised that God has not forgotten our prayers and now He is answering it!Perhaps God wants us to strenghten us first before He wants to use us for evangelism..Anyway really thankful to have such a fun time of sharing and listening: )
OH btw I was assured that I have a gift of discernment haha

Anw a group of us were discussing about different people having different characters and I guess it is really true.How can we really relate to one another and form close bonds when some of our personality clashes?We really need to speak in love when we approach one another about our strengths and weaknesses and all that we do is to help us grow together in Christ!Lord please raise the young generation and guide them!

11:34 PM
I'll give my own account to God.

Back from Renai Camp I'm in HIM and I am lagging with this post!Haha anyway I really got to know a lot more of the Renai people especially the younger ones.I also learnt alot through this camp not only as a group leader of such young kids but also part of the P&W team..what it truely means a heart of worship.I was especially inspired by the worship night of the 2nd day when I really feel that the whole band was anointed and that great music just flow because of simple hearts that just simply wants to worship God and there was unity.The practices were really horrendous and noisy if you were there to watch you would truely understand what I mean..like the band was so uncoordinated and the vocalists also cannot find the harmony that kind of stuff..but I really thank God for delivering us into such a great night when you tell us that worship could just be so simple and it does not matter how young you are.

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
1 Timothy 4:12
I was also truely encouraged by how God has shaped people in this camp specifically Cuifen Supeng Aletheia Janus Abner Chinhee Lowell Jason Eunice Cheesoon and so many others..continue to serve in Renai without forgetting the mission and to really grow together: )
Let us cast aside any GG-ness and forget any seniority in Renai and really learn from one another through sharing and activities: )

11:58 AM
I'll give my own account to God.


I was very tired just now at the farewell bbq but i really wanted to thank the seniors for putting in the effort to make the whole bbq fun and to talk to us about the course and everything.I never really knew how to be a senior and I was really never taught how to be one but the advices that you guys gave seemed to be unnecessary!When I look at you guys it is exactly what I want myself to be!I was really inspired because of the line I always drew between the course and my life,like I don't want to be too involved in TSD but I really learnt that we have to enjoy what we do and ultimately we will see the results.Results?maybe not even in the acadamic area but what we gain from it;friendships?experience?and those that make us grow as an individual and as a batch.I never really mixed well with my seniors(church,sec sch,jc) and i cannot really express myself in front of them but I really want to thank you guys even though i might know the little of you.Thanks for being so sincere in wanting to give us good advices and Thanks for being so naggy just like how we feel we are one family.


12:00 AM
I'll give my own account to God.





musT cell
ASK cell
Group Judo
Orange Nachos


Am not.


[ April 2008 ] [ May 2008 ] [ June 2008 ] [ July 2008 ] [ August 2008 ] [ September 2008 ] [ October 2008 ] [ November 2008 ] [ December 2008 ] [ February 2009 ]


