Its mixed feelings for me today..
I really dont know what God wants me to do..I am really confused and I feel that's really very confusing.But I cont to pray..tomorrow got cell..maybe do a bit of sharing..: )
6:53 PM
I'll give my own account to God.
God is really amazing!
I was praying for the four ppl yesterday..end of story.
Haha..then later estee actually agreed to go to yf today!and most probably she will get to meet up with shuyee jie and her group yay!this is of great news!and Jin han just like out of the blue msged me to ask about the details of yf last night as well!God is really good and who says God doesnt answer prayers?He has His plans for us and His plans are good.We just have to let Him use us instead of us wanting to control the situation.I have faith that God is also working on Ken and Kenneth as well.The work of prayers has come true!I love my God and I will perserve on!
: )
8:54 AM
I'll give my own account to God.
Went to prayer meeting yesterday and I was reminded by God so much that I have to have a heart of servant and not saviour in my walk with God.It is especially true when I try to reach out to my friends because I often try to control the situation instead of letting God to control me.I was troubled by a lot of things recently but God refreshed me and now I am ready to face all the challenges ahead!God is really faithful to me.Friday I am meeting kenneth and I am decided to share with him about Christ.He is one person I have been praying for and I really pray God would make a way for me and I will proclaim His love clearly.Okay maybe if I meet kenneth ken would also come and then I will break the news that ______ is going to take him for follow-up haha.Okay and I finished my follow-up yest!and si hui keeps trying to push me to others for discipleship-. awkward that day friday during dinner before the mission conference!crap..okay end off here: )
People that I want to pray for this week:
Jin han.
4:13 PM
I'll give my own account to God.

The(My) Student Camp group=Judo : )
8:04 PM
I'll give my own account to God.
Ah i just got the news that kenneth is not coming..sianx..but i pray that he is able to make it next time: )
9:26 AM
I'll give my own account to God.
I was msging my juniors and friends yesterday and I recieved what I call fast messages..Can't I just have a nice chat with you guys and like spend some QUALITY TIME?!its my love language okay!(tgt with acts of service and receiving gifts..but that's not the point!)okay to all my dear friends!!pls reply my msges like even though you forgot to last time or like you dont have the answer to my question,so that I wont worry about you guys!Ah!thoses people who reads my blog ah should know who!PS and benedict you are really very slow in replying my msg haha: )
Okay but all in all I realised that God is good: )esp wed when I went back to AHS i met few of my juniors and then i saw Jin han and managed to talk to him and share a bit about Christ: )Ah also he had a friend studying with him and she is a christian!then it dawn upon me that God is still in AHS as He still has his people in this school!She then prayed for me and Jin han before going home..HAPPY: ) oh also two of my juniors honoured their words and went for YF yest!I was really glad and I hope that they had a good time of fellowship there and will go regularly: )also ah this sat i am expecting kenneth and hong jun to come ah!(and ken too but I think he is just lazy and wants to eat at places FAR FAR away)ps i am going to send you guys my url: )
Okay I have to go for project work class liao all the best and god bless: )
1:47 PM
I'll give my own account to God.